Deepening ties

Troposphere, an ongoing exhibition in Beijing, offers a new perspective on Brazilian and Chinese art. Lin Qi reports.
Brazil is geographically very far from China. A flight from Beijing to Sao Paulo, including a stop in Europe, takes more than 25 hours. Despite that, the last two years have seen more art exchanges between the two BRICS members.
BRICS is the acronym for an association of five major emerging national economies: Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa.
For the Chinese who know little about Brazilian culture besides soccer, samba and the carnival, Troposphere, an exhibition of contemporary Chinese and Brazilian art now in Beijing, offers a new perspective on Brazilian art.
The exhibition, at the Beijing Minsheng Art Museum, which runs through March 3, 2018, pairs Chinese participants and their Brazilian counterparts, and shows their works in 21 groupings.