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Mom joins Angelina Jolie for birth in Paris

Updated: 2006-04-03 17:08
Angelina Jolie asked her mother to fly in from Los Angeles to Paris so she can be by her side when Angelina gives birth.

Angelina Jolie asked her mother to fly in from Los Angeles to Paris so she can be by her side when Angelina gives birth.

French actress Marcheline Bertrand is suffering from cancer, but was determined to be with Angelina Jolie at the birth of her child.

"Angelina is very close to her mother and she so wanted her to be there for the birth," a source claims.

Angelina Jolie, along with Brad Pitt and Angelina's two adopted children, are now all thought to reside in a chateau in the south of the country. During her pregnancy Angelina Jolie has developed a passion for French cheese, especially Brie and Camembert, and she speaks "very little French" according to her book "Notes from My Travels."

Angelina Jolie has been having regular check-ups at a hospital in Paris and it is expected that she will give birth within the next few weeks, a source says.