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Report: Jessica Alba is expecting twins

Agencies | Updated: 2008-02-21 11:41

Jennifer Lopez has been taken to the private hospital where she intends to have her twins, it has been reported.

An American showbusiness website said a private room at North Shore University Hospital in Long Island, New York, is finally occupied, having been left empty for two weeks in preparation for the star to give birth.

A recent patient at the hospital told pagesix.com that during her visit, staff were rushing about excitedly and saying: "J.Lo is here".

Report: Jessica Alba is expecting twins

A heavily-pregnant Jennifer Lopez at the United Nations headquarters in New York earlier this month

The news of her hospital arrival came as a US magazine reported actress Jessica Alba is expecting twins as well.

The National Enquirer said she had told friends she will be having twins and that they are due on June 8.

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