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Full text of Xi's remarks at gathering for Macao SAR's 15th anniversary

(Xinhua) Updated: 2014-12-20 18:19

Fellow Compatriots,

Dear Friends,

The past 15 years have seen profound changes taking place in every aspect of Macao as well as in its external environment. At this new historical starting points, we need to consolidate Macao's economic and social development and strive for still greater progress. We need to build on past achievements and work with great enterprise to lay a more solid foundation for enduring prosperity and stability of Macao. To this end, I hope Macao will do a good job in the following four aspects:

First, continue to make vigorous efforts to enhance the ability and quality of law-based governance of the SAR. Since its return to the motherland, the Macao SAR has constantly improved its governance system and capability. Meanwhile, we have also noted that the evolving situation and people's expectations have raised new and higher demands for the governance of the SAR.

The course of human progress shows that law-based governance is the most reliable and stable way of governance. We need to make good use of the law-based thinking and approach in our governance, increase public awareness of the rule of law and, in particular, improve the institutions and legal systems designed to support the implementation of the Basic Law of the Macao SAR, so as to lay a solid institutional foundation for the governance of Macao in accordance with law. Efforts should be made to build a diligent, clean, efficient and fair government under the rule of law, and ensure that decision-making and policy implementation are carried out in accordance with law, so that the development of the SAR will stay in line with the rule of law. We need to strengthen the ranks of public officials, enhance their regulation and improve their ability to perform their duties in accordance with law. We need to promote the concept of rule of law among the public, encourage them to jointly safeguard the law-based order, train and produce a large number of professionals who are familiar with the Basic Law of the Macao SAR and possess strong legal expertise, so as to provide a strong backing of human resources for the law-based governance in Macao.

Second, continue to make overall planning and actively promote appropriately diversified and sustainable economic development in Macao. In recent years, Macao has enjoyed rapid economic and social progress. At the same time, certain deep-seated problems formed over the years have surfaced, and development risks have built up to some extent. It is important for Macao to adopt a global, nationwide, future-oriented and long-term perspective, formulate appropriate plans and blueprints for its development and promote sound economic and social development.

It is necessary to make long-term planning, seize the opportunity of the national efforts to comprehensively deepen reform, and promote appropriately diversified and sustainable economic development of Macao based on its positioning as a global tourism and leisure hub and a service platform for economic and trade cooperation between China and Portuguese-speaking countries. This is important not only for the people in macao, but also for the development of the region and even the whole country. Macao needs to enhance top-level planning and specify concrete steps and measures for progress. It needs to follow a two-pronged approach, improving its own ability of development while strengthening regional cooperation. On the one hand, it needs to come up with greater courage and wisdom to solve difficult problems in its development, strengthen and improve regulation and supervision over the gaming industry, nurture new growth areas for its economy, and work for substantive results in its appropriately diversified and sustainable economic development. On the other hand, it needs to make good use of the policies and measures put forward by the Central Government to support Macao's development, and deepen its cooperation with the mainland, particularly with Guangdong Province and the Pan-Pearl River Delta region. macao needs to expand its development space and gain greater impetus for its development through regional cooperation and strive for common development and progress with the mainland.

Third, continue to build a solid foundation and work for social harmony and stability. Harmony and stability constitute the basis for economic and social development and wellbeing of the people. Both the SAR government and people from all walks of life in Macao must doubly cherish and do everything they can to safeguard harmony and stability in Macao.

In governing Macao, the SAR government needs to put people first by learning more about people's lives and needs and addressing their concerns and difficulties. It needs to properly respond to diverse demands in the society, balance the interests of various sides and foster a more equitable and just social environment. It needs to make sure that people have better access to the fruits of development, improve their quality of life, and increase their happiness index. People from all walks of life in Macao should continue to uphold the prevalent value of loving the motherland and loving Macao, support the Chief Executive and the SAR government in governing Macao in accordance with law, strengthen social cohesion and positive energy, and work jointly for long-term prosperity and stability of Macao. Meanwhile, we need to guard against and oppose external infiltration and interference, so as to maintain the sound atmosphere of stability and unity in Macao.

Fourth, continue to be future-oriented and strengthen the education of upbringing of the younger generation. It takes ten years to grow trees but a hundred years to cultivate talents. Young people in Macao represent not only the hope and future of Macao, but also the hope and future of the whole country. We need to strengthen the education and upbringing of young people to ensure that the fine tradition of loving the motherland and loving Macao will be carried forward from one generation to another and that the cause of "one country, two systems" will be continuously advanced. We need to care about the young people and attach great importance to creating favorable conditions for their growth and success.

China is a great country with a time-honored history and rich civilization. The fine traditional culture that the Chinese nation has created and carried forward in its thousands of years of history is the root and soul of the Chinese nation. In the education of the young people, priority should be given to the history, culture and national conditions of China, so that they will better appreciate the richness of the Chinese civilization, the glorious journey of the Chinese nation since modern times to salvage China from subjugation and turn it into a strong country, the extraordinary endeavor and tremendous achievement of New China, and the intrinsic link between sticking to the principle of "one country, two systems" on the one hand and upholding and developing socialism with Chinese features and realizing the Chinese dream of great national renewal on the other. In this way, they will fully understand that the destiny and future of Macao are closely tied to those of the motherland, and will thus have a stronger sense of national pride and deeper love for the motherland and Macao, and commit themselves to the cause of "one country, two systems" with a greater sense of responsibility and mission.

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