Postgraduate in detention house
By Kang Yi (
Updated: 2006-09-07 10:35

Postgraduate Xu Qing landed himself in a holding cell at a local police station on September 3rd for harassing his former boss by sending him more than 2,000 insulting cellphone text messages and calling him at night, wrote the Beijing Times yesterday.

Xu joined Wang's company in January and concluded a transaction by using his personal connections during his three-month probation period.

Xu asked for a 30,000 yuan (US$3,780) brokerage fee for his contribution to the deal, but was turned down by Wang, who didn't offer Xu a contract at the end of the probation period.

Xu frequently called Wang and sent insulting text messages to his phone starting in June. Wang called the police when finally got fed up with the midnight calls on September 3rd.

Xu spent seven days in administrative detention.