'Cultural deficit' is widening
By Zhao Huanxin (China Daily)
Updated: 2006-09-15 08:16

The officials' remarks came a day after the release of the Guidelines for Cultural Development in the 11th Five-Year Plan, which set out that China will "absorb and borrow the excellent cultural fruits of the rest of the world."

The guidelines prescribe that China actively explore international cultural markets and promote Chinese culture to the world to reduce the "deficit" in international cultural exchanges.

"It will also become a trend that more and more Chinese cultural products will go abroad," the culture minister said.

Unless China's cultural sector makes quick inroads in the global market, the situation will not change much, said Chen Shaofeng, vice-director of the Cultural Industry Research Institute at Peking University.

Chen suggested the country develop its own brands and heavyweight players, and co-operate with foreign businesses to produce content that is sought after abroad.
