Article rebuts Dalai's hypocrisy on giving up 'independence' commitment

Updated: 2008-04-02 18:50

The article discerns the Dalai clique always fanned up its independence rhetoric while thinking the international situation favorable. If frustrated by global tides, the Dalai clique usually changed its combat tactics.

Nonetheless, the article says, the Dalai clique remains essentially the same despite all apparent changes -- its secessionist nature remains unchanged and their sabotage activities unstopped.

While clamoring in high profile to request a "negotiation" with the PRC government, the Dalai clique has speeded up its infiltration into the PRC territories, diffusing bewildering information among people, making up stories on how horrible Tibetan people are under the relentless suppression.

The Dalai clique induced the ill-informed people to translate stirred resentment into an anti-government attitude, which finally evolved in the Lhasa riots on March 14, the article said.

Although claiming to adopt "non-violence", the "middle-of-the-road policy" and "peaceful negotiation," the article says, the Dalai Lama continues to accommodate and back the Tibetan Youth Congress, a stubborn advocacy group for "Tibet independence".

The article exposes that the elites in the inner circle around the Dalai Lama were activists of the Tibetan Youth Congress.

The Dalai clique's rhetoric of "preserving the unique Tibetan heritage" is just a malicious deception to dupe a global audience, the article says. People who visited Tibet would always be impressed by the efforts made by the PRC government to preserve the traditional Tibetan culture and natural environment there.

What the Dalai clique actually concerns, the article accuses, is not the preservation of Tibetan cultural heritage, but the lost privilege of the noble and clergy classes who in the past unconditionally enjoyed overriding rights over the majority of Tibetans.

The article said the Dalai Lama should be judged on not what he has romanticized his real intention, but what he has tried to realize.

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