Muse of 2008 Olympic torch relay

By Uncle T Cabin (
Updated: 2008-05-06 20:28

When organizations or countries take responsibilities to host or sponsor IOC games or ceremonies, and then disturbed those events, what are the penalties for those organizations inciting foul plays? I know what Tibetan traditions say about people who disrupt religious ceremonies. The punishments would have been amputation of limbs or gauging out of eyes, that is, if the monks were in the good forgiving mood. Do people understand they shall never offend Gods? If you don't understand what these words mean, ask Dalai Lama….

On a second thought, don't ask Dalai Lama. He no longer has the dedication of an ordinary Buddhist monk. Judging by his recent remarks, his new career inspiration is to make jokes like a stand up comedian, or be a clown in a circus. He wanted Chinese government to search from his "stool" to "toilet" to prove that he had any connection with the Tibetan riots. A very funny guy! Very Americanized. He supports 2008 Olympic games in Beijing, so Chinese people will have a chance to be embarrassed by him, and the great Lama will have his last stage and chance to pursue his "real autonomy". He supports Chinese people having a party, so he will have a party to poop on. He supports investments in Tibet, so his arsonists can set fires on those investments and properties. He supports other people having stores, cars and doing business in Tibet, so stones can be thrown at them.

For some nice Western journalists warning not to anger China too much, to avoid Chinese going back into a shell of isolationism, you totally got the wrong point. Western media should not anger Chinese because justice is on their side, not because Chinese have a tendency to go back into a shell. Chinese were playing by the rules of IOC and holding a ceremony organized by IOC. When other people wanted to disrupt that IOC ceremony, those protesters were not playing by the rules. China has no obligation to explain how it handled protesters in Tibet or defend its human rights records, because China is not the defendant in the stage of torch relay, but rather the plaintiff. Chinese should bring up charges loudly against the anti-china-ism fanned by Western media. China will not return into isolation. Chinese will not go back into a shell, but rather come back with calm and ease to play more international games with you all. Let's play the games, being it in sports, religion, culture, business, trade, politics or anything else. If cheaters do not have respects for the rules of the games, Jesus said "they got their rewards".

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