CHINA> National
Wen calls for respecting diversity of civilizations, vows to promote China-Arab ties
Updated: 2009-11-07 21:39


In his speech, Wen said China is ready to further enhance its friendly cooperation with the Arab world in various areas.

China and the Arab world both shoulder the sacred mission of renewing their centuries-old civilizations, Wen said. "Let us join hands and take the friendly cooperation between China and Arab countries to a new level."

Reviewing the history of China-Arab relations, the Chinese premier put forward a four-point proposal aimed at further enhancing bilateral cooperation:

First, China is committed to deepening political trust and strengthening strategic cooperation with Arab countries.

"It serves the fundamental interests of both sides to solidify political trust and intensify strategic cooperation," Wen said.

The establishment and development of the China-Arab Cooperation Forum has opened broad prospects for strengthened collective dialogue and coordination between the two sides, he said.

"We should work together to promote peace and stability, seek settlement of international disputes and regional conflicts through dialogue and consultation, oppose all forms of terrorism, separatism and extremism, and reject linking terrorism to any specific ethnic group or religion," Wen said.

China is ready to step up cooperation with Arab countries in addressing global challenges, including climate change, energy and non-traditional security threats, and promote the attainment of the U.N. Millennium Development Goals, the Chinese premier said.

Wen also said the two sides should continue to support and cooperate with each other in major international and regional affairs, work together to safeguard the interests of developing countries and endeavor to build a just and reasonable new international order.

Second, China will continue to promote the Middle East peace process.

The stark reality shows that the "an eye for an eye" approach could only stoke deeper hatred, and peace could only be achieved by turning swords into ploughshares, Wen said.

"We highly appreciate the Arab Peace Initiative, which demonstrates to the whole world the sincere wish and strategic decision of Arab countries to peacefully resolve the Middle East issue," the Chinese premier said.

China is ready to step up consultation with Arab countries and other parties concerned and play a constructive role in promoting a comprehensive, just and lasting settlement of the Middle East issue in order to achieve peace, security and stability in the region, Wen added.

Third, China will push forward economic cooperation and trade with Arab countries.

"There is great scope and enormous potential for business cooperation between China and Arab countries," Wen observed.

According to Wen, trade volume between the two sides jumped from $36.7 billion in 2004 to 132.8 billion dollars in 2008, a 3.6-fold increase in a short span of five years.

Meanwhile, by the end of 2008, the total value of contracted projects between the two sides had approached $100 billion.

The two sides should take more concrete and effective measures to expand cooperation in economy and trade, energy, investment, finance, tourism and human resources training, Wen suggested.

Fourth, China hopes to step up cultural exchanges and cooperation with Arab counties.

The Chinese government encourages growing educational, cultural, tourism and other exchanges with Arab countries, the premier said." We will encourage more young people to study in Arab countries and welcome young Arab students to come to China for study or visit," he added.

Cultural exchange will help deepen mutual understanding, strengthen the bonds of friendship and build strong public support for the friendship between the two sides, he said.

"No matter how the international scene may change, the Chinese people will always be trusted brothers of the Arab people. Let us work together to build a harmonious world of enduring peace and common prosperity," Wen said.

Wen arrived here Friday on a two-day official visit to Egypt, after which he will attend the opening ceremony of the fourth ministerial meeting of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) in the Egyptian resort of Sharm el Sheikh on Sunday.

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