Foreign and Military Affairs

China, Italy seek closer military cooperation

Updated: 2010-10-20 16:37
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BEIJING - Senior Chinese and Italian military officials said in a meeting in Beijing Wednesday that they hoped for closer military cooperation.

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China and Italy had seen frequent exchanges of high-level visits, said Chinese Defense Minister Liang Guanglie in a meeting with visiting Italian Chief of Defense Staff Vincenzo Camporini.

Liang said the two countries had maintained close coordination in major international issues and conducted fruitful cooperation in the economic, trade, culture, technology and tourism sectors.

Military ties between the two countries had been promoted as pragmatic cooperation had proceeded smoothly, said Liang.

China attached great importance to military relations with Italy, Liang said.
He hoped the two sides could expand cooperation to contribute to the sustainable development of friendly cooperation between the two armed forces.
Camporini said Italy-China relations had developed vigorously in recent years along with sound military cooperation.

He said Italy appreciated the contribution of the Chinese armed forces in dealing with international affairs, and he hoped the two sides could boost their military cooperation.