Full Text: Report on the Work of the Government

Updated: 2010-03-15 19:37
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Fellow Deputies,

The Chinese nation's life, strength and hope lie in promoting solidarity achieving common progress of our ethnic groups. We must consolidate and develop socialist ethnic relations based on equality, unity, mutual assistance, and harmony. We will conscientiously implement the policies and measures of the central leadership to support development of ethic minorities and ethnic minority areas, and give high priority to supporting acceleration of the development of ethnic minority border areas. We will accelerate renovation of dilapidated buildings along our borders, and build permanent housing for nomads. Pilot programs for the new system of old-age insurance for rural residents need to be launched first in border counties and poverty-stricken counties in ethnic minority areas. We will increase our support for the development of ethnic groups with small populations. We will continue to bring prosperity to border areas and the people who live there. We will give high priority to protecting the cultural heritage of ethnic minorities and the ecosystems in ethnic minority areas. We will do a good job in our work concerning public services and employment for and supervision of floating populations from ethnic minorities, and protect their lawful rights and interests. In addition, we will cultivate national consciousness and the sense of citizenship, take a clear-cut stand against attempts to split the nation, and safeguard national unity. We need to ensure ethnic minorities and the people of all ethnic groups who live in ethnic minority areas to feel the warmth of the motherland as one large family.

We will fully implement the Party's basic policies on religious work, and manage religious affairs in accordance with the law. We will get religious figures and religious believers to fully play their role in promoting economic development and social harmony.

We will earnestly implement the Party's policy on overseas Chinese affairs. We will safeguard the lawful rights and interests of overseas Chinese and returned overseas Chinese and their relatives, and support them in passing on Chinese culture, participating in the motherland's modernization, and promoting the great cause of peaceful reunification.

Fellow Deputies,

Last year further achievements were made in the modernization of national defense and the People's Liberation Army (PLA). The PLA and the People's Armed Police Force completed the major tasks of staging the National Day military parade in the capital and safeguarding stability in key areas, and played an important role in safeguarding the country's security and development interests. This year, we need to focus on the overall work of the Party and government and strengthen all aspects of the army in accordance with the principle of making it more revolutionary, modern, and standardized, so that it can complete its missions in this new stage and this new century. We will concentrate on making the army better able to win informationized local wars, and will enhance its ability to respond to multiple security threats and accomplish a diverse array of military tasks. We will work to strengthen the army ideologically and politically. We will accelerate the comprehensive development of a modern military logistics system. We will intensify R&D on national defense and the development of weapons and equipment. We will run the army strictly and in accordance with the law and make it more standardized. We will actively yet prudently deepen reform of national defense and the army. We will modernize improve the armed police force, and make it better able to carry out its duties, respond to emergencies, combat terrorism and safeguard stability. We will strengthen our national defense mobilization and reserve forces. Governments at all levels should, as always, care about and support the strengthening of national defense and the army, and consolidate and develop unity between the army and the government as well as between the army and the people.

Fellow Deputies,

We will unswervingly implement the principle of "one country, two systems," under which the people of Hong Kong administer Hong Kong, and the people of Macao administer Macao both with a high degree of autonomy, and fully support Hong Kong and Macao in maintaining long-term prosperity and stability. We will support Hong Kong in consolidating and elevating its position as an international financial, trade, and shipping center; developing industries with local advantages; and fostering new areas of economic growth. We will support Macao in developing its tourism and leisure industry and appropriately diversifying its economy. We will conscientiously implement the Outline of the Program for Reform and Development of the Pearl River Delta, vigorously promote the construction of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge and other major cross-boundary infrastructure projects as well as the development of Zhuhai's Hengqin Island, deepen cooperation between Guangdong and the Hong Kong and Macao regions, and increase economic ties between the mainland and these two regions. The great motherland will remain a staunch supporter of Hong Kong and Macao forever. As long as the governments of the Hong Kong and Macao special administrative regions and their people from all walks of life work together; accommodate and help each other; and jointly safeguard overall prosperity, stability, and development, Hong Kong and Macao will enjoy a brighter future.

Last year relations between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits made important progress from a historic new starting point, and a positive trend toward peaceful development emerged. Cross-Straits exchanges and cooperation constantly deepened, and complete, direct, two-way mail, transport and trade links were established. We took important steps to normalize cross-Straits economic relations, and economic cooperation between the two sides gradually became institutionalized. The constant improvement and development of cross-Straits relations brought real benefits to our compatriots on both sides. In the new year, we will continue to adhere to the principle of developing cross-Straits relations and promoting peaceful reunification of the motherland, firmly embrace the theme of peaceful development of cross-Straits relations and constantly create new conditions for it. We will strengthen economic, trade, and financial contacts between the two sides; deepen industrial cooperation; support the development of Taiwan-funded enterprises on the mainland; and safeguard the lawful rights and interests of our Taiwan compatriots. We will encourage qualified mainland enterprises to invest in Taiwan. We will support the economic zone in Fujian Province on the west coast of the Straits in playing its role in pioneering new approaches to exchanges and cooperation between the two sides. We will promote a win-win situation, set up an economic cooperation mechanism that reflects the characteristics of both sides by negotiating and signing an economic cooperation framework agreement (ECFA). We will expand cultural and educational exchanges, and work with Taiwan to promote Chinese culture. We will increase exchanges between people from all sectors of society on both sides, so that everyone can share in the fruits of the peaceful development of cross-Straits relations and more fully realize the importance of promoting peaceful development. We will uphold the principle that the mainland and Taiwan belong to one and the same China, strengthen the political foundation for the peaceful development of cross-Straits relations, and enhance mutual political trust between the two sides. We firmly believe that with the concerted efforts of the Chinese people, we will achieve the complete reunification of the motherland.

Fellow Deputies,

We achieved new, important results in our diplomatic work last year. We actively participated in international cooperation to respond to the global financial crisis and climate change, and played a unique, constructive role in a series of major multilateral conferences. We energetically carried out all-round diplomacy, and made steady progress in dialogue and cooperation with major powers, neighboring countries, and developing countries. We greatly strengthened diplomacy in all fields, including cultural diplomacy. We effectively safeguarded the lawful rights and interests of Chinese nationals and corporations overseas.

With a splendid, 60-year diplomatic history, New China has left shining footprints on the international stage. We will carry forward our fine traditions; always hold high the banner of peace, development, and cooperation; adhere to an independent foreign policy of peace and the path of peaceful development; pursue an open strategy of mutual benefit; promote the building of a harmonious world with durable peace and common prosperity; and create a favorable external environment for China's modernization. In the new year, we will continue to use the G20 financial summit and other major multilateral activities as our main platforms for actively participating in the process of change in the international system and safeguarding the interests of developing countries. We will make overall plans for coordinating bilateral and multilateral diplomacy as well as diplomacy with individual countries and regions and in various fields, and promote further, comprehensive development of our relations with major powers, neighboring countries, and developing countries. We will take advantage of the opportunities offered by the completion of the ASEAN-China free trade zone and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit to actively promote regional cooperation. We will continue to carry out diplomatic work in climate change, energy and resource cooperation, and other areas, and play a constructive role in finding proper solutions to hot issues and global problems. The Chinese government and people stand ready to work with the international community to respond to risks and challenges, share development opportunities, and make new contributions to world peace and development.

Fellow Deputies,

Hardship gives birth to great causes, and arduous struggle results in glorious achievements. Under the leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Hu Jintao as General Secretary, let us pool the wisdom and strength of the hundreds of millions of our people; redouble our efforts to break fresh ground; complete all the tasks set forth in the Eleventh Five-Year Plan; and constantly win new victories in reform, opening up, and socialist modernization.

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