Government and Policy

Wen seeks opinions on govt work report

Updated: 2011-02-11 19:17
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BEIJING - Representatives from different sectors have given feedback on drafts of the government work report and China's economic and social development blueprint for the next five years, the State Council, China's cabinet, said Friday.

Premier Wen Jiabao chaired five seminars from January 20 to 27, at which representatives of various sectors of society were invited to voice their views on the documents, according to a State Council statement.

The 12th five-year program, or the national development plan for 2011 to 2015, and the government work report will be delivered for review at the plenary session of the National People's Congress (NPC), China's top legislature, in March.

Experts from social economic organizations along with those from science and technology, education, health, culture and sports circles attended the meetings, as well as members of non-communist parties.

Participants at the seminars agreed on the framework and main content of the documents. They also gave some suggestions and proposed a couple of revisions to the report and the development plan.

Most suggestions focused on China's economic restructuring, income distribution adjustment, modern agricultural development, scientific innovation, reform of the yuan exchange rate formation mechanism, property market regulation and affordable housing construction, and further improvement in education and medical care system.

The forums also invited 11 grass-roots representatives, including  farmers, technicians, and owners of small businesses, who raised suggestions to boost farmland irrigation construction, train more technicians, and help with the development of small and medium enterprises.

Wen said the feedback will be "of great help" when revising both the government work report and 12th Five-Year Plan, as well as to the work of the government.
