China / Politics

China cements police co-op with 23 countries

(Xinhua) Updated: 2012-12-26 07:44

BEIJING - China has sent 38 police liaison officers to 23 countries, the Ministry of Public Security announced Tuesday.

The police liaison officers have played significant roles in cracking down upon transnational crimes, ensuring overseas Chinese safety and interests, safeguarding national security and social stability, according to the ministry.

They have helped the police at home handle more than 2,000 transnational crimes and seize or repatriate 560 criminal suspects, including notorious smuggling kingpin Lai Changxing and Gao Shan, former director of a Bank of China branch.

The police liaison officers have also investigated nearly 2,000 cases concerning the infringement on the rights and interests of overseas Chinese, the ministry said. They have successfully rescued a number of Chinese nationals kidnapped or trafficked overseas.

In the deadly attack on the Mekong River that caused the death of 13 Chinese sailors last year, the police liaison officers assisted in capturing and escorting back the attack's mastermind Naw Kham.

Meng Hongwei, vice-minister of public security, said the ministry will further improve the layout of police liaison officers to boost international law enforcement cooperation.

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