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Political adviser accused of having 4 mistresses

By Liu Ce in Shenyang and An Baijie in Beijing | chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: 2013-02-07 13:15

The government in Liaoning province is investigating a provincial political adviser accused of having four mistresses and six children.

Huang Haiqiu, an official from Jinzhou publicity department, said on Wednesday that the government has started an investigation into Li Qingshan, who was accused of living with five women, including his wife, in his villas in Jinzhou.

Li, 52, a member of the Liaoning provincial committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, built four villas for his wife and mistresses, covering an area of nearly a hectare, according to an online post with pictures of the villas.

The whistle-blowing post, uploaded by an anonymous netizen, said that Li married three of the five women and divorced them after the women gave birth to children.

Five women have given birth to six children for him, three sons and three daughters, said the post.

One of the women went to Southwest China's Sichuan province after getting pregnant, said the post.

China's family-planning policy limits most urban couples to one child and most rural couples to two children.

The post also claimed that Li, board chairman of Liaoning Qingshan Enterprise Group, kept two pistols and five shotguns.

The post said Li, whose businesses include real estate development, a shopping mall, international trade and hydraulic parts manufacturing, collaborated with local gangsters to grab State assets including the land of a former State-owned factory that produces hydraulic parts.

Many workers from the factory petitioned many times to protest his grabbing of factory land, but their protests were ignored by the local government, said the post.

The post also accused Li of offering bribes of 200,000 yuan ($32,000) in 2004 to get the title of provincial political adviser.

China Daily could not reach Li for comment on Wednesday.

Huang, the publicity official, said that the online charges are related to multiple departments, and it will take the government one or two days to look into the case.

The publicity department of Liaoning provincial committee of the CPPCC declined to comment on the issue on Wednesday.

The information provided by the Jinzhou civil affairs bureau confirmed part of the online post, as Li had married and divorced three times.

According to a report from Xinhua, his latest marriage started in March 2011 and ended on Jan 24 this year.

Li admitted to Xinhua that he had three sons and a daughter, but he denied the other allegations in the online post.

Contact the writers at liuce@chinadaily.com.cn and anbaijie@chinadaily.com.cn

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