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Storm warnings coming to Foshan

chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: 2013-05-23 18:20

The southern coastal province of Guangdong, which is frequently struck by typhoons, tornados, raging storms and other natural disasters, is planning to build the country’s first tornado research center in Foshan.

Luo Qiqing, deputy director of the Foshan meteorological agency, said the city is the right place to build the tornado research center as it is hit annually by many tornados and the economic losses caused by natural disasters are huge.

“We still cannot forecast the disasters correctly,” Luo was quoted as saying by Guangzhou-based Yangcheng Evening News.

Luo said his bureau has purchased many radars and other advanced equipment to help forecast disasters in recent years.

The establishment of the tornado research center will help Guangdong study and forecast natural disasters, he added.

Luo did not reveal when the center will be set up.

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