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Xi urges deepening reform, opening up

Xinhua | Updated: 2013-07-23 20:24

Xi urges deepening reform, opening up

President Xi Jinping (L, front), who is also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, inspects the Yangluo container port in Wuhan, the capital of central China's Hubei province, July 21, 2013. Xi made an inspection tour in Hubei from July 21 to July 23. [Photo/Xinhua]

WUHAN - President Xi Jinping has called for deepening China's reform and opening-up efforts in order to maintain a healthy economy and achieve the goals set during the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC).

Xi, who is also general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, made the remarks during a tour of central China's Hubei Province from July 21 to 23.

Xi called for maintaining "a spirit of reform and innovation" in every aspect of state governance and economic development.

The president visited ports, enterprises, villages and residential districts, talking to people from different backgrounds and listening to their opinions on reform.

While visiting a port in Wuhan, Xi highlighted the development of China's logistics industry, calling for further waterway development along the Yangtze River.

He stressed scientific innovation and personnel training in driving economic growth and encouraged workers to develop domestic brands that can be internationally competitive.

"The working class must shoulder this historic responsibility," he said.

The president also called for more efforts in establishing a resource-conserving and environmentally-friendly society.

During the trip, Xi listened to reports on the progress of rural equity transactions, saying that the transfer of land must be done while respecting the will of rural residents, protecting farmland, ensuring food supplies and increasing rural residents' incomes.

Xi vowed to promote urban-rural integration and build the country's vast rural area into a hospitable place for rural residents.

Xi said reforms must be comprehensively deepened in order to help China cope with challenges, adding that authorities must strike a balance between reform, development and stability.

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