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Young man makes living from ancient craft

chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: 2014-11-15 16:48

Wood carving is an ancient craft that can be traced back to the Neolithic period 7,000 years ago. Zhang Mindan, in his early 20s from Changsha, Hunan province, has not only managed to master the demanding skill but also made a good living selling his work.

Zhang developed an interest in drawing during his childhood but it was not until his third year at college that he began to learn carving. After graduation, unlike the rest of his classmates who found jobs, Zhang continued to practice his craft.

His initial attempts were good art works but not that practical. So he changed his style to carve small household decorations and articles and sold them through his online store. His new works proved popular and business boomed; now earning him about 50,000 yuan ($8150) per month.

 Young man makes living from ancient craft

Zhang Mindan polishes a large tree branch before carving it into a wooden clock, Nov 6. [Photo/CFP] 

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