China / Politics

Chinese premier vows further cooperation with Kyrgyzstan

(Xinhua) Updated: 2016-06-28 03:25

As Kyrgyzstan will host the 15th SCO prime ministers' meeting later this year, Li said China will work with Kyrgyzstan within the framework of the SCO and push forward the synergy of China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative with the development strategies of SCO members.

Zheenbekov, for his part, spoke highly of this year's Summer Davos Forum, saying China has shown itself to be a "bellwether" in world economic recovery and development.

Calling China "a strategic partner and top priority of Kyrgyzstan's foreign policy," Zheenbekov said his country is ready to enhance production capacity cooperation and implement large projects to lift bilateral cooperation to a new height.

He spoke of Li's attendance to the SCO prime ministers' meeting and an official visit to Kyrgyzstan.

At the beginning of the talks, Li extended sympathies for a 6.7-magnitude earthquake in Kyrgyzstan on Sunday night, saying China is ready to provide assistance should there be any need.

Zheenbekov expressed his appreciation for this and voiced condolences for those affected by the tornado and hailstorm in eastern China's Jiangsu Province last week.


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