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China mulls reform on communist youth league in university

Xinhua | Updated: 2016-11-21 22:02

BEIJING -- Communist Youth Leagues (CYL) on Chinese university campuses will become more energetic and firm in their communist beliefs, according to a plan released by the Central Committee of the CYL and the Ministry of Education on Monday.

Steering committees and a joint conference system will be established by CYL committees and educational departments, the plan said.

CYL university committees should operate under the guidance of the Party committee, and increase the proportion of non-cadre students and young teachers in its congress.

CYL should educate university students in an all-round way, providing consultation and help in job seeking, counseling, and welfare activities, according to the plan.

The plan also said the work of CYL will be taken into consideration when evaluating the Party-building work of the university, taking up 10 percent of the total score. The Party Committee in each university should call at least one special meeting each year on improving the CYL work.

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