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Man sentenced to one year in prison for grabbing bus steering wheel

Xinhua | Updated: 2017-12-05 16:32

CHONGQING -- A man was sentenced to one year in prison for grabbing a bus steering wheel, which caused the bus to almost fall off a cliff, according to a court in Southwest China's Chongqing municipality on Tuesday.

The passenger, surnamed Feng, was charged with "endangering public security by employing dangerous means."

The Shapingba District People's Court in Chongqing heard that in the incident which occurred in March this year, Feng grabbed the steering wheel and the bus driver's arm in a burst of anger after the driver declined his request to pull over.

The driver lost control of the bus. Luckily the bus drove into the guard rail and stopped, saving the more than 20 people on board from falling down an over 10-meter-high cliff.

Feng was shown leniency as he turned himself to the police and voluntarily offered compensation for the damage to the bus, the court said.

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