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Premier Zhu welcomes Belgian businesses to China's West


Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji extended a warm welcome to Belgian Prime Minister Guy Verhofstadt who arrived in Beijing Tuesday with Belgian entrepreneurs who willinvestigate investment opportunities in China's western regions.

Verhofstadt, whose entourage includes 50 notable business leaders, will leave for Shanghai and its nearby city of Suzhou in east China, but the business group will head for China's west.

Bilateral relations under rapid development

During the talks with his Belgian counterpart, Zhu said he was glad to see the rapid development of bilateral relations in various aspects over the past six months.

Zhu and Verhofstadt met in Brussels last September for the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the founding of Sino-Belgian diplomatic ties. "Many of the ideas raised by both of us in that meeting have been realized or are being carried out," Zhu told the Belgian prime minister.

The Chinese Premier said that trade volume between the two countries soared by 15.3 percent in 2001, which showed great potential has yet to be tapped in economic cooperation.

Zhu pointed to a recent joint production of a 16-episode TV play between China's Central TV and the Belgium entertainment industry as a good start for cultural exchanges between the two countries. ??

China attached great importance to friendly cooperation with Belgium and the European Union, and China expected to increase consultation and cooperation with Belgium in the development of bilateral ties and in international affairs for peace, stability and prosperity, the Chinese Premier said.

Belgium welcomed to participate in China's western development

He briefed Verhofstadt and his entourage on China's massive scheme to develop its vast western areas, and extended his invitation to Belgian entrepreneurs to participate in the development.

"Belgium is known not only for its great industrial and scientific strength, but also for achievements in environmental protection and land development, and such expertise is just what'sneeded in China's western regions," Zhu told the Belgian guests.

Verhofstadt said that he brought a large group of business leaders to China for the purpose of strengthening of economic relations between the two countries and promoting cooperation in the financial sector.

He said that he expects Belgian entrepreneurs not only to find business opportunities in the western regions, but also to help these regions develop their economies.

The Belgian prime minister agreed with Zhu on the development of bilateral ties, noting that he hoped that his visit would promote the steady progress of bilateral relations.

The two sides signed a memorandum of understanding on cooperation in environmental protection after the meeting.


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