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Sichuan, Southeast Asia Economic & Trade Cooperation Conference Held

China westnews

As one of the most important conferences in the 3rd Western China International Economy-Trade Fair, Sichuan-Southeast Asia Economic & Trade Cooperation Conference was held ceremoniously in Jin-furong Hall at Chengdu International Convention and Exhibition Center on May 25.

Vice Governor Li Dachang represented Sichuan People's Government to make address for the conference and introduced Sichuan's current conditions for guests from such southeast Asian countries as Thailand, Indonesia, Philippine, and so on. senior officials made statements.

Among them, Indonesia ambassador in China Mr. A.A. Kustia introduced current economic condition of Indonesia and cooperative opportunities between Indonesia and China. He said: "WCIETF plays an active role on promoting economy and trade among Southeast Asian countries. After Indonesia experienced Asian Financial Crisis, Indonesia's economy increased more quickly in past 30 years. Our government do active role on social prosperity and develops petroleum and export-processing industries as key industries. As well as government develops tourism and agriculture. Now, our GDP increases firmly year and year. Our government offers more preferential policies for investment as well as investment reform enters into a new civilized age. Our government is endeavoring to do more reforms in other areas as currency system, stock market, and so on."

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