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Tibetologists call for better understanding of Tibet


NEW YORK  -- A senior Chinese Tibetologist has said here that regular and frequent exchanges of ideas can help Americans gain  a better understanding of Tibet.

Tobdrub Wangben, vice minister of the State Commission for Ethnic Affairs, told a press conference here Friday that although China and the United States share similar views on many Tibet-related issues, they differ in many others as well.

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"However, frequent and in-depth exchange of ideas between the two countries' people will help achieve a better understanding of Tibet."

"It is fairly important for the American public to understand the truth on Tibet," he told the press conference held in the Chinese Consulate-General in New York.

Wang Pijun, a senior official with the China Association for International Cultural Exchange, said the four-member Chinese Tibetologist delegation, headed by Tobdrub Wangben, has found that many people in the United States are ignorant of the current situation and history of Tibet.

"Some legislators even haven't heard about the fact feudal serfdom once existed in Tibet," he said.

According to Wang, many politicians, legislators and media professionals said they changed their impressions of Tibet after they visited the Chinese autonomous region.

"They believe that Tibet has a good governance, has set a good example for the world in dealing with issues relating to ethnic minorities and there is obvious religious freedom in Tibet,"he said.

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