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It could revive the spirit of marriage

By Shan Shibing | China Daily | Updated: 2011-08-22 07:39

On Aug 12, the Supreme People's Court issued a judicial explanation of the Marriage Law, which is aimed at settling marital disputes. The judicial explanation says that "after divorce, a house (as property) will belong to the person who has paid the down payment for it", and a "daughter-in-law has nothing to do with a house bought by her parents-in-law for their son". This has triggered a heated public debate.

Some people say the judicial explanation is good news for men, but undermines the interests of women, who in most cases are the disadvantaged party. Others suppose it encourages a "Dutch treat" style of marriage and could change youths' concept of choosing a spouse. It is welcome if it makes more people marry for love, and not wealth.

"A person should not marry to own a house" is the concept that the new judicial explanation of the Marriage Law encourages. The already sky-high and still rising housing prices have forced many people to focus more on wealth and less on love and emotion when it comes to marriage. If it can help people find their true soulmates, it will be a triumph for love and the sacred institution of marriage.

It could revive the spirit of marriage

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