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Eliminating disguised graft

China Daily | Updated: 2014-10-29 07:53

While officials have generally restrained themselves under the high pressure of the anti-corruption campaign, many of them have tried to hide their corrupt activities deeper. A number of private clubs operating within public facilities, closed to the outside world, offer the best cover for them to carry on exchanging power for money. It is necessary to eliminate this kind of corruption, and we expect the authorities to strictly implement the regulations.

Xinhua Daily Telegraph, Oct 28

Some people argue that private clubs are commercial establishments and should not be the target of the anti-corruption drive. The new regulation is very clear about that. It says that only those that illegally obtain land and violate the norms for the use of historic buildings and parks should be investigated and, if found guilty, brought to book. Thus the new regulation emphasizes the necessity to impose the law.

Eliminating disguised graft

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