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Further reform of family planning policy needed

China Daily | Updated: 2015-05-13 07:43

From May 5 to 7, about 200 families who have lost their only child appealed to the National Health and Family Planning Commission for compensation. The State eased family planning policy by allowing parents, one of whom is the only child of his/her family, to have a second child last year, but people call for more reforms. Comments:

It is the State policy, which allows most families to have only one child, that causes tragedy for so many families. The number of families that have lost their only child is estimated to be more than 1 million and will continue to grow. The State now offers a low subsidy to them, but that's far from enough. What is needed is a comprehensive social security system that compensates the parents for their loss and supports them when they grow old.

Mu Guangzong, a demographics expert at Peking University, May 11

Further reform of family planning policy needed

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