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Let law clarify rewards for young rescuers

China Daily | Updated: 2017-03-23 07:20

ON MARCH 15, Jiangsu Provincial High People's Court reportedly accepted a lawsuit filed by 62-year-old Jiang Zhigen against the local government of his hometown in the province, because it declined to bestow on his son the honor of good Samaritan after he died trying to save someone from drowning. Beijing Youth Daily comments:

The local government of Jyurong has a reasonable explanation for not bestowing the honary title as Jiang's son was only 12 years old when he died. It says if they gave the boy the honorary title it might encourage other youngsters to risk their lives trying to save people.

However, that justification becomes less valid, when one takes into account the fact that the local government not only refused to bestow the honorary title, it also delayed paying the compensatory pension to which Jiang's family was entitled until 2011, 11 years after Jiang first requested it. The compensation has nothing to do with discouraging youngsters from taking risky action. So why did they delay that?

Let law clarify rewards for young rescuers

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