
Popular US series uses Chinese elements

By Cindy Gu ( ) Updated: 2014-02-17 17:13:44

Popular US series uses Chinese elements

Cast member Kevin Spacey poses at the premiere for the second season of the television series "House of Cards" at the Directors Guild of America in Los Angeles, California February 13, 2014. [Photo/Agencies]

Popular US series uses Chinese elements
Chinese film a hit at Berlin Festival
Popular US series uses Chinese elements
BAFTA awards ceremony held in London
President Obama is a fan

The release of the trailer of the second season excited millions of viewers around the world, including US President Barack Obama, who has been a loyal fan since the series debuted.

During a meeting with CEOs from the technology industries at the White House in December 2013, Obama asked Netflix chief executive Reed Hastings if he brought advance copies of the second season.

He has also expressed his admiration for Underwood.

"This guy's getting a lot of stuff done," said Obama. "I wish things were that ruthlessly efficient."

Although the President is anxious to watch the story unfold, he'd like to do it at his own pace.

After the release of the second season on February 14, Obama sent wrote on his Twitter account, "Tomorrow: @HouseOfCards. No spoilers, please."

Chinese elements

The second season has promised to be darker, with more unexpected turnouts, and is to include more Chinese elements.

"Perhaps the team, including myself, has realized that in the next decade, Asia will be an extensively important region, and China will play an active role in its transition and change," says Spacey.

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