
Lang Lang brings out World Cup spirit through piano

( ) Updated: 2014-07-17 10:33:04

Lang Lang brings out World Cup spirit through piano

Lang Lang teamed up with Spanish master vocalist Placido Domingo for a concert in Rio de Janeiro. Domingo has been a fervent football fan for twenty years. [Photo/CCTV]

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Lang Lang brings out World Cup spirit through piano
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Although the World Cup is over, football fans are still reveling at what many are calling one of the most exciting tournaments in recent memory.

To relive that memorable month, China's renowned pianist Lang Lang hit the keys to show how passionate he is about both music and football. He has just held a concert in Rio de Janeiro, where the World Cup final took place.

Lang Lang teamed up with Spanish master vocalist Placido Domingo for the concert. Domingo has been a fervent football fan for 20 years. And although Lang Lang's love for football only began in 2006, he is no less devoted and passionate about the game.

"I included a Chinese Spring Festival song in the concert to make Chinese elements part of the World Cup. It is very popular in China, and I think its energy resonates with the spirit of the World Cup," Lang Lang said.

Lang Lang's passionate performance at the show won him a standing ovation. He thinks that there are a lot of similarities between a musical concert and the World Cup.

"In some ways a concert is a lot like a football game, we have to make a lot of preparations beforehand, there is both an intermission in the middle and selecting the piece

s you are going to play is like picking the starting lineup of your team," Lang Lang said.

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