
Average Beijinger read 9 books in 2014: survey

( Xinhua ) Updated: 2015-11-03 15:29:48

Average Beijinger read 9 books in 2014: survey

A reader selects books on the shelf at the 2015 BIBF, Aug 26, 2015. [Photo by Zou Hong/]

Beijingers read nine books on average in 2014, up 17.13 percentage points from 2013, according to a survey released on Friday by the municipal bureau of press, publication, radio, film and television.

According to the survey, 91.16 percent of Beijing residents said they read in 2014, above the national average of 78.6 percent. Health, literature and news were the top three preferred reading categories for residents of the capital.

The survey was conducted among Beijing residents between ages 7 and 70. More than 6,000 people were surveyed, according to the bureau.


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