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Premier Li praises smart manhole cover developed by Hunan University

2014-09-23 07:04:37 来源:enghunan.gov.cn
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Gao Kun, a Ph.D. student majored in electric engineering in Hunan University, had developed monitoring systems for hazardous chemical industries like civil explosive industry and oil plants, and detecting system for power industry and bridge health monitoring. Having close ties with the people's livelihood, his research achievements are highly practical and well-reputed once put into the market.

In July 2014, as one of the entrepreneur representatives of universities, Gao Kun demonstrated his "smart manhole cover" to Premier Li Keqiang during the Premier's visit to Hunan University. The Premier highly appreciated Gao Kun's product and said that the system is "a project that can be vigorously promoted as it is beneficial to both the country and the citizen."

Owing to the Premierf's praise of the "smart manhole cover", Changsha National Development and Reform Commission and Tianxin District, and even some municipal departments in cities like Nanchang of Jiangxi Province have showed great interest in the system. Gao Kun is now busy with negotiating to apply his products into industrial production.  

Translator: Yang Chengfei

Source: hunan.voc.com.cn

Premier Li praises smart manhole cover developed by Hunan University
Gao Kun works in a humble office in Yuelu District on September 18.

编辑:刁云娇 标签: Hunan University monitor system
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