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Germany lose 2003 worlds over Leipold row
( 2001-05-22 09:31 ) (7 )

Germany have been stripped of the 2003 world wrestling championships because of a doping scandal involving Alexander Leipold at last year's Sydney Olympics.

"It's another severe blow for us," said German Wrestling Federation (DRB) president Helmuth Pauli after being informed of the decision by world body FILA on Monday.

"We just cannot stop attracting negative headlines. I hold Alexander Leipold personally responsible for this," said Pauli.

FILA said its decision to strip Germany of the championships, which were to be held in Leipzig, was partly motivated by the way Germany handled Leipold's case.

Leipold became the first German to be stripped of an Olympic title for doping when he lost his 76-kg freestyle category gold medal after testing positive for two anabolic substances.

The wrestler, who denied knowingly taking any banned substances and blamed food supplements for the test results, forced the DRB to lift his domestic ban because of procedural problems in January but remains suspended internationally.

FILA also suspended German wrestlers from all international competitions in February but has since partially lifted the ban.

"It's very sad," Leipold said of FILA's decision.

"Naturally the fact that I'm denying the doping charges does not suit FILA," he told German local radio station SWR1.

"I have always tried to make wrestling accepted by being an exemplary athlete," added the 31-year-old, who said he was still fighting a court battle to clear his name.

"Everything will change once I get my gold medal back," he said.



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