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Chinese Premier discusses research on oil resources
( 2003-05-27 13:29) (8)

Chinese Premier Wen said the central government has attached great importance to the development strategy for petroleum and natural gas resources as it relates to social and economic development and the national security.

A strategic research plan on the sustainable development of China's petroleum and natural gas resources was launched Monday in Beijing.

While listening to reports by academicians with Chinese Academy of Engineering at a meeting for the plan, Premier Wen Jiabao noted that scientific and democratic decision-making was one of the important work rules of the State Council.

Wen said all the state's major decisions must pass scientific debates and democratic procedures to ensure their accuracy.

Key issues that may influence the whole country's social and economic progress should stand up to cross-department and cross-industry reasoning by scientists, the premier said.

He said that the central government has attached great importance to the development strategy for petroleum and natural gas resources as it relates to the country's social and economic development and the national security.

Wen listed the focal points of the research plan, including the relevant policies and measures for supply and demand of petroleum and natural gas, domestic exploration, imports and participation in the global exploitation.

Wen hoped that academicians and experts would contribute to the formulation of the strategic research plan.

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