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Patient who requested euthanasia dies
( 2003-08-06 11:04) (China Daily)

A stomach-cancer patient who sought, in vain, to end his suffering via euthanasia died in great pain last Sunday at a Shaanxi hospital, reports Huashang Daily.

Wang Mingcheng, a former worker at the Shaanxi No 3 Printing and Dyeing Plant, was prosecuted in 1986 for helping terminate the life of his mother, who also suffered from cancer. He was set free soon after

Seventeen years later, after he was hospitalized with late-stage stomach cancer, he frequently requested doctor-assisted suicide, but the hospital administration refused, citing a lack of relevant laws governing such a procedure.

On June 7, Wang publicized his request through the media, but the hospital still did not want to take responsibility for a controversial mercy killing.

Wang, whose was reduced to skin and bones by June 30, told the newspaper he was very sorry he had not ended his life and his pain earlier.

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