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Communities play key role in life of more Chinese retirees
( 2003-10-05 12:01) (Xinhua)

Chinese communities, usually covering several neighboring residential quarters, have been increasingly able to provide services for the elderly.

In east China's coastal provinces Zhejiang and Fujian, both boasting comparatively developed economic levels, neighborhood committees, labor and social security offices, activity centers for the aged, medical treatment rooms and service networks within city communities have composed a mini-society for elderly people retiring from state-owned enterprises.

Since 1999, China has tried to help state-owned enterprises break away from the management of their retirees, encouraging communities to provide matching services. Before that, retirees relied on enterprises to organize their life, from spare-time activities to funerals.

Experts say that the new attempt has not only helped enterprises to reduce burdens and rejuvenate, but also highlighted the key role of communities in managing and serving the elderly.

Currently, a computer network containing specific information on every retiree has been established in Zhejiang and Fujian's city communities, which helps ensure the punctual distribution of pensions.

Cai Bingquan, a 73-year-old retiree from Fuzhou First Light Machine Plant, Fujian Province, did not receive any pension for years after the plant was sold. Changes occurred after he returned to Lianhui community in 2002.

"My 500-yuan monthly pension comes to me on time now, and my life is guaranteed," Cai said.

With reforms of state-owned enterprises deepening and more mergers, many retirees have lost backing from enterprises they once worked for. Even though some of them are still dependent, many hope to turn to their communities for support.

More considerate and attentive services by communities have been widely applauded by senior citizens.

Lin Wenqin, an elderly woman in Zhongshan community of Fuzhou, has long suffered from mental problems, and her son lives in Canada. Therefore, community neighborhood committee workers opened a bank account for her, help her keep the bankbook and withdraw money for her living expenses every month.

"It's the community workers that helped her live through all these years," Lin's neighbors said.

Dazha community of Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province, printed for each retiree a service contact card to ensure them enjoy immediate services, like plumbing, cleaning and subscribing to newspapers and magazines. Senior citizens over 60 years old also get emergency cards, which record their health conditions, blood types, children's contacts and the telephone number of the community hotline in case of emergency.

City communities in Zhejiang and Fujian also make arrangements for medical treatment. Special medical treatment rooms are designated for the aged so that they can see a doctor within the community. Caihe community of Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, helps needy elderly people remit 30 percent of the medical fee, and sends medicine and doctors to elderly peoples' homes if they have difficulty moving.

"Communities offer us better services and welfare than we previously enjoyed in enterprises," said Li Min, a 60-year-old retiree living in Ningbo's Wan'an community.

China's retirees have grown rapidly in recent years. According to official statistics, China has 33.88 million enterprise retirees, of which 7.48 million were under community management.

However, Liu Yongfu, Vice-Minister of Labor and Social Security, said that it was difficult to completely do away with the system attaching retirees to enterprises, which has operated in China for decades. Community construction in some underdeveloped areas still fail to meet requirements.

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