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American stars' on-line billboard of fame
( 2003-12-02 16:20) (Agencies)

IF you hate Britney and you know it, go on the Internet. There you'll find thousands of other vocal anti-fans - along with haters of Saddam Hussein, Fred Durst and Alec Baldwin.

A groundswell of sites like ihatebritneyspears.com make her the most detested celeb on the Internet, suggesting not everyone's running to buy her chart-topping new album, "In the Zone."

Type in "I hate Britney Spears" on Google.com and you get a whopping 2,000 hits - more people combined than hate Justin Timberlake (206), Jennifer Lopez (163), Michael Jackson (104),and vegetables (1,120).

"Britney went from being the hip, hot young thing to someone who wants to be slutty but can't quite pull the trigger," says David Poland, editor of moviecitynews.com.

"When people think that you've misled them about what you really are, that's when the backlash really starts."

For most celebrities, the Internet is a love fest. Super-swoony Johnny Depp gets 1,720 "love" hits to only 62 "hate" ones, while Eminem, merits an astonishing 3,800 "loves" and only 668 "hates."

Even Woody Allen, Martha Stewart and Barney the Dinosaur can claim more Internet love than hate.

Stars with bigger anti-fan clubs are relatively uncommon, but Britney's not alone. Others include Avril Lavigne, Fred Durst, Gwyneth Paltrow and George W. Bush.

A star's Web popularity can change from week to week, notes Poland.

"The Internet tends to be ahead on the negatives," he says. "It's like being in a huge Magic 8-ball."

What's more, Msnbc.com gossip columnist Jeannette Walls is quick to credit Spears for moving 3,260 people to declare their feelings about her, positive or negative (not counting thousands more if you don't type in her last name).

"If you raise a strong reaction, that's a good thing," Walls says. "She's learning at the feet of the master, Madonna."


Britney Spears

Lovers: 1,260

Haters: 2,000

Ratio: 3:5

The pop tart has "a horrible voice" that sounds "like a frog's croak," say her detractors, so she compensates "for that with stripping her clothes off."

Many resent the fact that Britney "has so much money" and complain that she "makes people think that they are so ugly because she is the prettiest thing in the world" even though "she's not really an intelligent person."

Overall consensus: She has "no talent and no brains."

But her fans insist that she "is so cute and so cool" and "love the way she dances" and say she has the "personality of an angel."


Gwyneth Paltrow

Love sites: 46

Hate sites: 95

Ratio: 1:2

A "self-centered," "boring," "skinny beanpole," Gwynnie, say her critics, is a "big Hollywood star" who "claims to only do interesting art films" but "is lucky to have starred in 'Seven' and 'Hard Eight.'"

She's "the quintessential pretentious snob" whose "friends and lovers are just so Hollywood."

Paltrow "might as well have a shirt that reads, 'I am so great.'"

Yet those who love her say she's "an excellent actress."


Kobe Bryant

Lovers: 111

Haters: 37

Ratio: 3:1

His fans think he's "so sexy" and "an awesome ball player." They admire his "work ethic" and his "mental approach to the game," adding up to his being "the future of basketball and the Lakers." Those on the opposing team hate him because "he thinks he's god's gift to basketball" and also because he is a "conceited freak" who "lacks grace and any trace of humility," "is the most glorified sidekick in the history of the NBA" and does "nothing to make his teammates better."



Lovers: 3,800

Haters: 668

Ratio: 12:1

Marshall Mathers wins fans because he's "super hot" and they "kinda like his music, too." A "hot sexy bitch," "he is fishing for people to take a bite" with lyrics that have "substance."

Critics complain that he "seriously sucks" because "all he does is bite off other rappers' styles" and they "don't find him ironic."


Justin Timberlake

Lovers: 686

Haters: 206

Many believe this "dreamy" and "adorable" guy is the "greatest and hottest singer on the planet" and is just "so so so so buff." He's a guy who can "act, sing and dance" and is "hilarious" and "the most talented person." His detractors think that he's "an arrogant bastard" because he doesn't "say hi, shake hands or wave and barely even [makes] eye contact" with his fans. They also don't appreciate his "whiny-ass squeaky voice," which is "higher-pitched [than] most girls," or the fact that he is "skinnier than most girls."


George W. Bush

Lovers: 300

Haters: 717

Ratio: 3:7

Thanks to his "casual contempt for human life," critics say our president "looks like a dictator, talks like a dictator and walks like a dictator" despite his "questionable rise to power." They're not fooled by his "sadistic little smirk," and fervently wish "the fab five from 'Queer Eye' should help him dress better." One anti-Bushite says he will "drive straight to Canada if Bush wins in 2004." Fans of the prez, however, say he is "handsome, intelligent and a good Christian" and point to the economy's "startling growth" as evidence that "Bush is good for America."


Saddam Hussein

Lovers: 322

Haters: 744

Ratio: 8:19

One Saddam-hater wishes "the best of luck to anyone who tries to assassinate him." Iraqis say he "was very cruel and ruined our lives" and was "stealing everything for himself." Saddam lovers say that "democracy doesn't suit everyone," and another follower of the crazed Iraqi is ready to "lay down my life for him."


Jennifer Lopez

Lovers: 301

Haters: 163

Ratio: 15:8

"I have 10 bottles of Glow in my room. She is my inspiration for living," posts one J.Lo fan. "She is a success in everything she does." Says another: "Her songs always put me in a good mood, and I think she is very, very sexy." Detractors complain of her multiple marriages and that she "always has to feature another artist on her album in order for it to succeed." Adds another critic. "She sounds just like my cat when she was in labor."


Fred Durst

Haters: 444

Lovers: 176

He's a "hottie boom bottie" that "totally kicks ass" and "seems like a nice enough person." His "style is unmatched by anyone else" and he's liked because he "writes his own music" and "actually sings it."

Detractors think that he's "an industry whore" who will "do anything for a dollar" and is nothing more than a "wannabe rapper."


Michael Jackson

Love sites: 1, 260

Hate sites: 104

Ratio: 12:1

Internet admirers say he's the "sweetest, kindest person" who's clearly been "framed." A "brilliant musician," he's produced a "15-minute masterpiece" with "Thriller," and his fabled moonwalk is "a marvel."

"He's still coooooooool - even with a weird face," says one devotee. One loves him so much she wants"to get a chimp and name it Michael." Cynics counter that Jacko is "an ungodly, freaky mess."


Christina Aguilera

Love sites: 453

Hate sites: 172

Ratio: 5:2

Her Web fans say "she is sexy in a slutty way" and "doesn't care what people say," while praising her "powerful" voice and her "sense of style" that makes some people "feel warm and happy." Critics blast Aguilera for looking like "a hooker in the 'Lady Marmalade' video."

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