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100 property rights exchanges established in China
( 2003-12-13 10:56) (Xinhua)

Some 100 property rights exchanges have been established in China over the past 10 years along with progress in a nationwide endeavor to promote economic restructuring.

Shanghai Property Rights Exchange is the largest among them in terms of transaction value, which totaled 283.6 billion yuan (US$34 billion) by the end of last year. President Zhang Hailong of the exchange predicted the figure this year would be 150 billion yuan (US$18 billion ) this year.

However, experts say the property rights exchanges in the country are scattered in various regions and matchmaking deals are mostly done within a narrow scope.

The first trans-regional property rights exchange, the Common Market for Property Rights Transactions in Yangtze River Valley, was set up in 1997, marking a breakthrough in making property rights transaction in a broader scope.

The came the Yellow River Valley Common Market for Property Rights Transaction in 2001 and the North China Common Market for Property Rights Transaction in 2002.

A national market for property rights transaction is expected to come into being based on the development of the common markets, said Zhang.

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