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    FM: Vessel not in Japanese waters

2004-12-10 05:55

China has defended its scientific exploration in Okinotori waters, saying that it was conducted in international, not Japanese waters, yesterday at a regular press conference.

The Japanese Government on Wednesday said a Chinese survey vessel was found carrying out research in its exclusive economic zone near Okinotori, an uninhabited reef 1,740 kilometres south of Tokyo.

In response, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Zhang Qiyue told reporters that China and Japan have different opinions over the nature of the waters in question. "The Chinese vessel was carrying out normal scientific exploration on the high seas," she said, adding that China hopes Japan will stay coolheaded and deal with the matter in a prudent manner.

China and Japan are dealing with the issue through diplomatic channels, she said.

On the suspended six-party talks, she said mistrust between the United States and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) is the sticking point, Zhang said. There is no timetable for the next round of talks because participants have not reached agreement, she said.

The talks also involve the Republic of Korea (ROK), Japan and Russia.

This is Zhang's last appearance as foreign ministry spokeswoman. She will become the ambassador to Belgium, according to China News Service.

(China Daily 12/10/2004 page2)


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