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    Bush lays out coast rebuilding plan

2005-09-17 07:47

"When the federal government fails to meet such an obligation, I as president am responsible for the problem, and for the solution," Bush said, looking into the camera that broadcast his speech live on the major television networks from historic Jackson Square in the heart of the French Quarter. "This government will learn the lessons of Hurricane Katrina."

Bush faced the nation at a vulnerable point in his presidency. Most Americans disapprove of his handling of Katrina, and his job-approval rating has been dragged down to the lowest point of his presidency also because of dissatisfaction with the Iraq War and rising gasoline prices. He has struggled to demonstrate the same take-charge leadership he displayed after the September 11 terrorist attacks four years ago.

In his speech, the president called for a congressional investigation besides the administration's self-examination. But Democrats want an independent probe similar to the one conducted by the September 11 Commission instead of reviews that will be led by the Republican-controlled Congress and White House.

The president said the federal government will pay most of the costs of rebuilding the Gulf Coast, including New Orleans.

"There is no way to imagine America without New Orleans, and this great city will rise again," Bush said.

In an unrelated development, Bush on Thursday approved an independent panel's recommendations for an ambitious round of domestic base closures aimed at making the US armed forces leaner and saving the Pentagon an estimated US$37 billion over 20 years.

Bush accepted the recommendations contained in a report by the Base Closure and Realignment Commission to close 22 major US military bases after a requirement that he either reject it or sign off on it in full.

Congress is not permitted to make changes to the final report. The recommendations will go into effect in 45 days unless Congress rejects them in full.

(China Daily 09/17/2005 page7)

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