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Dozens die as terror attacks hit London
(China Daily)
Updated: 2005-07-08 05:59

In the confusion, the human toll of the blasts was unclear, with reports suggesting that dozens of people may have been killed. Sky TV reported at least 45 people had been killed and at least 1,000 wounded in the blasts.

People wearing emergency blankets gather near the site of the bus explosion in Tavistock Square. [Reuters]

Metropolitan Police Deputy Assistant Commissioner Brian Paddick said that, so far, 33 people were confirmed dead in the three subway bombings, but was unable to give a figure for the bus blast.

Paddick said: "The police service received no warning about these attacks, and the police service has received no claim of responsibility."

Financial markets tumbled as the scale of the attacks became clear and Blair told reporters he would return to London from the G8 summit to oversee the emergency. He planned to return to the talks in Gleneagles later in the day.

The attacks recalled the 2004 train bombings in Madrid blamed on al Qaeda and left the city's residents in shock. The Islamic Human Rights Commission warned London Muslims to stay at home to avoid any violence aimed at them.

The attacks came a day after a jubilant London was awarded the 2012 Olympic Games.

"I'm deeply saddened that this should happen at the heart of an Olympic city. Unfortunately there is no safe haven. No one can say their city is safe," said International Olympic Committee President Jacques Rogge in Singapore.
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