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Beijing holds confidence over 2007-08 elections
(China Daily HK Edition)
Updated: 2005-12-22 08:41

The central government expressed confidence that the 2007 Chief Executive election and 2008 Legislative Council elections would run smoothly, despite the failure of the government's 2007-08 election reform package. Following is the full text of a statment made by the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council:

"On December 21, the SAR government submitted the revised motions. The package had been produced and submitted on the basis of feedback from a wide spectrum of Hong Kong society, and was in accordance with the Basic Law, as well as the relevant interpretation and decision concerning the matter made by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress in April 2004. It reflected the principle of developing Hong Kong's democratic system gradually in an orderly manner. The package has won popular support from the public and more than half of the LegCo members since its publication, but failed to pass the LegCo because it could not win the required two-third majority support.

The result is not only against mainstream popular sentiment in Hong Kong, but also what neither the SAR government and the Hong Kong public or the central government would have liked to see. We fully agree with and support the comments made by Chief Executive Donald Tsang earlier today (Wednesday) on this matter and wish to express our appreciation for the efforts the HKSAR government made toward the advancement of Hong Kong's constitutional reform.

According the Basic Law of the HKSAR and the relevant interpretation concerning this matter, as a result of the package's failure to pass the LegCo, the current methods will be used to select the chief executive in 2007 and LegCo members in 2008 instead of the revised ones.

It is our belief that the HKSAR government will be able to make necessary arrangement for the matter accordingly so as to ensure the smooth completion of the chief executive election in 2007 and LegCo members election in 2008.

It has been a long-standing policy of the central government to support the SAR government in pushing forward Hong Kong's democratic development, according to the Basic Law and in an orderly, gradual manner. It is our sincere hope that people from all walks of life in Hong Kong would, through rational and pragmatic discussions, guide a commitment that will go down well in history, and identify a path for democratic development that will reach the ultimate goal of universal suffrage in accordance with the Basic Law.

Currently Hong Kong residents are enjoying social stability, sustained economic development and improved standards of living. We trust the general public in Hong Kong will cherish this hard-earned welcome situation and strive for unity, development and social harmony. The central government will, as it always has, support Chief Executive Tsang and the SAR government as they do their jobs according to the law.join hands with the Hong Kong residents to protect and enhance its lasting prosperity and stability.

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