Full Coverages>China>2004 NPC & CPPCC>Leaders

Liu Yandong -- Vice-chairperson of 10th CPPCC National Committee
Updated: 2004-02-27 10:44

The following is the biographical sketch of Liu Yandong, who was just elected vice-chairperson of the 10th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC):

Liu Yandong, female, born in 1945, of Han nationality, native of Nantong, Jiangsu Province.

Joined the Communist Party of China (CPC) in 1964.

Began to work in 1970; graduated from School of Administration of Jilin University, with a doctorate degree.

Student and political assistant at Engineering Chemistry Department of Qinghua University in 1964-1970; worker, technician and workshop head of Tangshan Kaiping Chemical Plant in 1970-1972;worker, publicity staffer, CPC branch secretary, Standing Committee member of CPC Committee, deputy director and director of Political Department of Beijing Experimental Chemical Plant in 1972-1978; deputy secretary of CPC Committee of Beijing Experimental Chemical Plant in 1978-1980.

Secretary of Organization Department of CPC Beijing Municipal Committee in 1980-1981; deputy secretary of CPC Committee of Chaoyang District, Beijing, in 1981-1982.

Member and executive secretary of Secretariat of Communist Youth League of China Central Committee, vice-president and president of All-China Youth Federation (ACYF) in 1982-March 1991;deputy secretary-general of United Front Work Department (UFWD) of CPC Central Committee and president of ACYF (till December 1992) in March-September 1991; deputy head of UFWD in 1991-1995; deputy head of UFWD and secretary of Leading Party Members' Group of Central Socialism Academy in 1995-2001; vice-president of Soong Ching Ling Foundation since 2001; head of UFWD since 2002.

Alternate member of 15th CPC Central Committee; member of 16th CPC Central Committee.

Member of Standing Committee of 7th National People's Congress.

Standing Committee member of 6th, 8th and 9th CPPCC National Committee.

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