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Bush to raise $3 million on Monday
Updated: 2004-03-09 09:44

U.S. President Bush leaves from Waco, Texas, on Monday, for fund-raisers in Dallas and Houston.
At two campaign stops Monday in his home state of Texas, Bush will add another $3 million to his already unprecedented war chest, the Bush-Cheney campaign said.

"Today, President Bush will attend a Bush-Cheney '04 luncheon in Dallas, Texas. The event will be attended by 1,100 supporters and will raise $1,500,000 for the campaign," a campaign statement said.

"Tonight, President Bush is scheduled to attend a Bush-Cheney '04 reception in Houston, Texas. The event will raise $1,500,000 for the campaign and will be attended by 1,100 supporters."

As of January 31 -- the last date that figures were available -- Bush had $104 million in his campaign's treasury. He raised millions more throughout February, and recently launched a $10 million TV advertising campaign.

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