Full Coverages>China>Changing Changchun>Backgrounder

General information about Changchun

Updated: 2005-02-23 15:02

Location: located between 4305' - 4515' north latitude and 12418' - 12702' east longitude, in the center of the northeast plain, middle part of Songliao Plain

Neighboring Areas: Heilongjiang and Liaoning provinces; Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region

Population: 6.83 million

Urban Population: 2.78 million

Area: 18,881 sq km

General information about Changchun

Nationalities: Han, Hui, Manchurian, Manchu, Korean, Xibe, Zhuang and Mongolian

Climatic Features: lies in temperate zone, belongs to continental semi-moist monsoon climate with frost free period of 140-150 days, rainfall of 611mm

Average Temperature: 4.8C with the lowest of - 39.8C and the highest of 39.5C

Rivers: Yitong river, Songhua river, Mushi river, Shuangyang river, Yinma rive

Products: wheat, soybean, sorghum, maize, corn, rice, and sunflower

Local Highlights: Skiing

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