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A look at Xinjiang

Updated: 2005-07-11 14:32

Characteristics of landform of Xinjiang are described as mountains and basins alternating with each other and basins caught in mountains’ embrace. Local people simply describe this characteristic as “three mountains with a basin between each two”. In the north lies Altai Mountains, in the south is Kunlun Mountains, while Tianshan Mountains lay along the middle dividing Xinjiang into two parts: in the southern part stretches Tarim Basin and in the northern part Jungar Basin. By custom, the part south of Tianshan Mountains is called South Xinjiang, the part north of Tianshan Mountains called North Xinjiang. Tarim Basin, the largest of its kind in China, lies between Tianshan Mountains and Kunlun Mountains. In the center part of Tarim Basin stretches Taklimakan Desert, the largest mobile desert in China and the second largest in the world. 2100-km-long Tarim River is the longest continental river in China. In the east of Xinjiang is Turpan Basin where the lowest point is –154m high, being the lowest part of China in height above sea level. In climate, Xinjiang is under the control of a typical extratropical belt continental climate. According to statistics conducted at the end of 2001, the annual precipitation amount of Xinjiang only stands at around 100 mm. In mountains of Xinjiang, there are many rivers resulting from snow broth on mountains. Oases lie on the edges of basins and in river valleys. With oasis taking up 5% its total area, the eco-system of Xinjiang is characteristic of oasis eco-system.

Xinjiang boasts unique resources of water, soil, light and heat. With advantages such as long sunshine time, high cumulative temperature, big day-night temperature difference and long frost-free period, Xinjiang is only second to Tibet in solar total radiation which is favorable to the growth of crops. According to statistics conducted at the end of 2004, there is 60.38 million mu of cultivated land in Xinjiang, 3.12 mu per capita, 2.1 times the figure of the country. As one of the five major pastoral areas of China, Xinjiang has many fine grasslands around its three mountains and two basins that make Xinjiang rank only after Inner Mongol Autonomous Region in area of natural grassland, being second in China. With annual total surface runoff of 88.2 billion cubic meter, Xinjiang ranks the 12th in China, and its per capita volume of surface water is 2.25 times the average of the country. There is 25.1 billion cubic meter of exploitable underground water in Xinjiang, and the glacier reserve accounts for 50% of the total of China. But some localities suffer the shortage of water resources which in turn hinders further development of local economies due to reasons that Xinjiang is situated in the hinterland of Eurasian Continent and with dry climate, and water resources here suffer change of seasons and are distributed imbalanced in terms of season and location, and the evaporation discharge here is very big.

With complete kinds and considerable reserve volumes, mineral resources of Xinjiang enjoy bright prospect for exploitation. So far, 138 kinds of mineral resources have been found, of which 9 kinds of mineral resources rank first in China in reserve, and 32 the first in northwest China. In addition, Xinjiang is abundant in deposits of petroleum, natural gas, coal, gold, chromium, copper, nickel, rare metal, salts and nonmetals for building. The oil deposit of Xinjiang reached 20.86 billion tons, 30% of land oil deposit of China. Its deposit of natural gas is 10.3 trillion cubic meter, 34% the total in land of China. With great potential for exploitation, oil and gas of Xinjiang enjoy a bright future for exploitation. The predicted reserve of coal in Xinjiang is 2.19 trillion tons, accounting for 40% the total of the country. Also, Xinjiang is rich in the kinds of gold, gem and jade which are well-known at all times and all over the world.

Xinjiang is abundant and unique in its tourist resources. Xinjiang boasts at least 56 of the 68 kinds of tourist resources in China listed in China National Norms for General Survey on Tourist Resources, ranking first in China. Further, landscapes here are both unique and beautiful. If you go there, you will be attracted by wild landscapes and particular combination of natural sights. Here, you can see snow-capped mountains stand in very hot land, and deserts neighbor on oases. Some famous scenic spots maybe have already been known to you, such as Tianchi Lake, Kanas Lake, Bosten Lake and Bayanbulak Grassland. Xinjiang is also rich in cultural tourist resources. The world famous ancient Silk Road had three trunk lines across Xinjiang totaling over 5000km. Along the three trunk lines of Silk Road there are hundreds of cultural sights such as ancient cities, ancient tombs, thousand-Buddha caves and ruins of ancient garrison troops-cultivated land. Of them, well known both at home and abroad are Jiaohe Ancient City, Gaochang Ancient City, Loulan Ancient City, Kizil Thousand-Buddha Grotto and Apak Hoja Tomb (commonly known as Xiangfei Tomb). Xinjiang is a multi-ethnic region where cultures, art and custom of various ethnic groups constitute cultural sights with rich ethnic features that are popular with tourists from both home and abroad.

Biotic resources in Xinjiang are in a great number and with unique and diverse breeds, and have a great potential for development. There are over 4000 breeds of wild animals and plants in Xinjiang. The number of breeds of local crop and introduced crop reached over 10,000, among which many breeds are fine in quality. Breeds of Xinjiang local livestock and fowls possess such fine properties as strong adaptability, anti-disease and being adaptable to coarse fodder. In addition, Xinjiang is the original and secondary birthplace for many kinds of fruit trees, where it is rich in fruit tree resources and there are about 300 fine breeds of fruit trees. Medicine plants are widely distributed here, such as Chinese ephedra, kendyr, liquorice and snow lotus, all of which are fine and unique in quality and property.

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