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Please stop poking the Dragon!
T.P.Jackstraw  Updated: 2004-03-03 09:11

China allows Taiwan to becomes totally independent, then what? Who is going to protect it from the land grabbers, territorialists and other various world powers?

What can Taiwan really expect to handle from an assault, without a superpower fighting for them?

What are the pro-independence Taiwanese thinking? Is the plan to keep the US Military hanging around? How good is that, after the first bit of real trouble, Taiwan either gets toasted right away, or it will be left with the very real risk of being an abandoned outpost of the West.

I really think the Taiwanese must be banking on the assurance that their brothers and sisters from the mainland will cover for them!

But, does anyone need the equivalent trouble of a Cuba-USA debacle? If the game is about territory as strongly indicated in the biography of Condi Rice, then why would anyone expect China to allow such a thing to happen?

What is the US government thinking? I think it is pretty clear that they want to export democracy everywhere they can! They might feel that they and/or their friends, have a real chance to gain some kind of control over Taiwan. Are the American people aware of any of this? Probably not, I should hope the media pushes these questions to all national candidates, again and again; not that they won't change their minds, when their arms are twisted by someone or something else.

I would suggest that China and North Korea pressure the USA into rescinding its treaty with Taiwan and to move the US Navy back out to sea! A small charge for brokering an agreement between two unfriendly parties. In addition to assisting N. Korea, China might also consider offering to broker, for example, US agreements for trade, etc., with other Asian nations, perhaps.

I hope that the Taiwanese recognize what risks they are placing the world in, while they play patsy on the beach with themselves, starry-eyed over an over-idealistic dream, woven by those with a personal agenda to get reelected.

Please stop poking the Dragon!

The above content represents the view of the author only.
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