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Taiwan holds American hostage ...
T.P.Jackstraw  Updated: 2004-03-09 09:22

Taiwan holds American hostage, enjoying the fruits of the American's money, in taxes, personnel, bureaucracy and supplies, in everything from war machines to a standing heavily armed Navy.

Where is Taiwan's concern for the lives of the American soldiers and sailors whom they so brazenly put in harms way?

If Taiwan wants to take on China, then Taiwan should do it alone!

As Americans, It is not our business to be held hostage in a reelection scheme for a failed leadership! It is not fair that we are being treated this way, either!

The Americans have demonstrated over 50 years of care and concern for Taiwan!

The place is resting in all the comforts of a very good standard of living with all the modern conveniences. A shinning example of what such industrious and hard working people can do when given the opportunity and the support.

American businesses and families have plied their lives into promoting Taiwan's interests.

How do you show your gratitude?

You are eager to make yourselves the big cat of Asia by playing tag with the dragon? Is it kind of you to expect the eagle to come to your protection for such a prank?

What trick are you playing on a sleeping American public, mesmerized by the recent conquests of their entrusted government, though otherwise abhorrently uninterested in things beyond the control of their own lives, who never really meant to remember irrelevant things of the past, like Formosa (where was that?) and some long forgotten and dubious Treaty signed in Washington, D. C. on December 2, 1954 (or even more importantly, the Shanghai Communique)? You know that we been lulled asleep long ago.

Are you trying to awaken the American people and have us participate in the awareness of what is that you are doing? I don't think so! Where is your Hollywood movie?

China has been kind to Taiwan as well, though never signing the San Francisco Treaty (which therefore, makes that document invalid in this case), China has patiently allowed Taiwan and the US to continue in their arrangement. China continues to ensure Taiwan that it respects its democratic development. China patiently waits.

How do you show your gratitude?


The above content represents the view of the author only.
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