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The common undercurrent leading to the Iraq invasion
T.P.Jackstraw  Updated: 2004-04-21 09:31

If the Iraq Invasion can be called an Anglo-led coalition, then one point should be made, which is that there is no racial commonality.

The aspects we recognize as race are artificial phenotypes, mostly traits like pigmentation, but can also include other things, such as some structural differences, like spine or skull shape. These are suseptible to the changeing whims of the poulation; at one age preferring fat women and children, another age preferring men with large leg calves; current trends have one group preferring large breasted women, another preferring long necks, or another preferring high nose bridges, etc., etc.

These traits genetically migrate separately and independently of individual and cultural qualities, or even those qualities we might want to associate with either individual, race and culture, like height or intelligence.

In part, traits or qualities, like intelligence, are under separate selective pressures, and find their expression in any given population through a separate course and mechanism to the dominant allelotype expressions we may recognize as race, which have an expressed effect of a partially closed polulation.

If we look at cultural commonality, then I think, this is also too changeable to fix in time and course. Obviously, cultural direction can have no clear guidance or reliable control, as it is guided by elements which change, often radically, from time to time.

I think examining the many aspects relating to the direction of whatever is the American led policy, boils down to only one real commonality -- religion, as was pointed out earlier.

I further argue that such a powerful religion has one of the strongest, if not the strongest influence on American and Western world policy.

Additionally, I would argue that the world power brokers are probably not so much Anglos, or Saxons, or Celts, or Scandinavians, or Germans, as much as they are influenced by another group of people (of certain religious origins), that, as you have implied, I think, have a much more dominant role in the policy that has led to the American led invasion of Iraq.

The above content represents the view of the author only.
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