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An open letter to China Daily
Thos.P.Jackstraw  Updated: 2004-10-27 09:22

Dear China Daily:

First, thank you for allowing me a place to have a say and thank you for a great medium, this forum.

Second, thank you China, for being China, independent and wise.

Now to the point. There is one very vocal and busy miscreant that is trying very hard to create a war within your forum. Is that OK?

This person has nothing better to do, apparently, with his life than to cause mischief. He may think he is doing a great thing, and he may think he is justified, and he may think he is the great defender of China. But, are these things only things he thinks? Or is it that he is actually serving some useful purpose to your forum and China? I doubt the later, very much!

It is rather apparent that the Chinese government and the Chinese people would like to have a normal and peaceful relationship with the rest of the world. This guy's every effort runs counter to that purpose, I think. I do not see that this troublemaker is serving the will of the government nor its people, am I wrong?

For months now I have taken a lot of abuse from this person, under the guise of more than one screen-name (ain't he cute and clever?) and with the occasional accomplice of a few radical racists and sexual perverts. Is this what you expect me to do with my time in your forum -- defend myself from the constant barrage of asinine attacks whose basis is conjured at any moment from the deranged imagination of a mind with a criminal intent? Is that what I am expected to do in this forum?

One of these persons has even conjured a biographical sketch of me that he keeps promoting in the forum, as if it has truth. This slanderous lie keeps coming up from time to time -- and that is OK? If he was a real man, he would meet me in person and try to have his slanderous say, do you know? Of course, we know he is a boy, so we give him leeway?

The main culprit has spent thousands of hours creating attacks on me, is this OK?

You have listed out your rules, and given the Chinese flexibility, I am not interested if you enforce them or not, I reckon it is too costly to do so. It is not my business, it is yours -- do as you please, I say!

You have used my articles from the forum on your opinion page and occasionally on your web front page. They have drawn many folks into the forum, but for what purpose? They share their ideas and then they are personally attacked with slanderous lies. Is that what this place is all about?

I am a busy person, I have other things to do. I do not have to write articles for this forum. I can spend my time here, defending myself and teaching everyone a lot of derogatory slang, is that my purpose here?

I know that this nut (and his racist tagalong) would like me to go away -- well, I am really very busy, so he almost has his wish. But, I will not go away -- unless you, China Daily, tell me to do so. I will come back and point out what a looser this self-promoted egotistical guy really is, as long as he is allowed to run roughshod over the guests that come into this forum and as long as he continues with his assaults on me.

This guy is a real shameful coward (I can't believe this simpleton is your approved idea of China's face to the world) and he won't take his problem with me outside of your forum. He is safe here, he is comforted here, he has nothing better to do, than to spend countless days and nights hovering over this forum, belittling and attacking anyone that does not conform to his ideas, or does not conform to his wishes -- do you promote this kind of gangster behavior willingly?

You waste my time, is that OK?

You have my email, you even know me -- in person; so let me know sometime, huh? Meanwhile, I will be teaching all the Chinese a wide variety of offensive vocabulary -- I guess I am serving your desires.

If you prefer that I write articles for you all, rather than teaching the Chinese some nasty English vocabulary words, than I reckon you would do someting to make me feel compelled to do something differently, am I right?

What purpose is the thread of Maximus? Do you know? Do you care?

BTW, chairman, you sniveling coward, I am not going to read your crybaby bullshit to your 'friend'. I am not playing your game! You play mine or there is no game, you got that? You got something to say to me -- say it to my face! You low-life moron! I will be in Beijing in three weeks! I can come down to your section of the world, anytime! -- I reckon you ain't got any balls to go along with your mouth, you sad and sorry excuse of a pussy.

The above content represents the view of the author only.
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