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Last known WWI veteran Florence Green dies at 110

China Daily | Updated: 2012-02-09 08:12

Last known WWI veteran Florence Green dies at 110

Florence Green on her 109th birthday being presented with a birthday cake by LAC Hannah Shaw on behalf of the Royal Air Force at her home in King's Lynn, east England. Florence Green, the world's last known veteran of World War I, has died at the age of 110, the care home where she lived said on Tuesday. [Sac Chris Hill / British Ministry of Defense via Associated Press]

LONDON - Florence Green never saw the front line. Her war was spent serving food, not dodging bullets.

But Green, who has died at age 110, was the last known surviving veteran of World War I. She was serving with the Women's Royal Air Force as a waitress at an air base in eastern England when the guns fell silent on Nov 11, 1918.

It was not until 2010 that she was officially recognized as a veteran after a researcher found her service record in Britain's National Archives.

Green died on Saturday at the Briar House Care Home in King's Lynn, eastern England, two weeks before her 111th birthday, the home said.

Retired Air Vice-Marshal Peter Dye, director-general of the RAF Museum, said it was fitting that the last survivor of the first global war was someone who had served on the home front.

"In a way, that the last veteran should be a lady and someone who served on the home front is something that reminds me that warfare is not confined to the trenches," Dye said.

"It reminds us of the Great War, and all warfare since then has been something that involved everyone. It's a collective experience ... Sadly, whether you are in New York, in London, or in Kandahar, warfare touches all of our lives."

She was born Florence Beatrice Patterson in London on Feb 19, 1901, and joined the newly formed Women's Royal Air Force in September 1918 at the age of 17.

The service trained women to work as mechanics, drivers and in other jobs to free men for front-line duty. Green went to work as a steward in the officers' mess, first at the Narborough airdrome and then at RAF Marham in eastern England, and was serving there when the war ended.

Decades later, Green remembered her wartime service with affection.

"I met dozens of pilots and would go on dates," she said in an interview in 2008. "I had the opportunity to go up in one of the planes, but I was scared of flying. I would work every hour God sent. But I had dozens of friends on the base, and we had a great deal of fun in our spare time. In many ways, I had the time of my life."

After the war she stayed in the area, raising three children with her husband Walter Green.

Once her service record was rediscovered, the RAF embraced the centenarian veteran, marking her 110th birthday in February 2011 with a cake.

Asked what it was like to be 110, Green said "It's not much different to being 109."

She praised the officers she had served during the war as perfect gentlemen.

"It was very pleasant and they were lovely," she said. "Not a bit of bother. They kept us on our toes, and there was no slacking."

A delegation from the air base had been due to visit Green on Feb 19 to celebrate her 111th birthday.

"When we heard the news there was a palpable silence, because we all hoped she would make it," said Squadron Leader Paula Willmot.

RAF Marham's station commander, Group Captain David Cooper, said Green "will be sorely missed and our thoughts are now with her friends and family".

World War I - "the war to end all wars" - killed about 20 million people in four years of fighting between the Allied powers - including Britain, France and the United States - and Germany and its allies.

Associated Press

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